Jensen Ackles's epic "performance". I really hate that I've gotten addicted to this show but it has freaking angels in it! Everything with angels will get my attention. Anyway, sweet ending for the episode and an even more sweet smile from Dean. Hah.
Over a recent weekend me and my better half decided to give the small-town-cinema a try and surprisingly so we were surprised. I thought the darkness of the theatre would have let us do all kind of inappropriate things but instead we ended up laughing. "Iron Sky" is an excellent Finnish/ German/ Australian production, that doesn't seem to worry not even a tiny bit about mocking the US government. So, if you're up for a good, un-Hollywood comedy about Nazis and their base on the moon, check it out! Actually, it's a damn good comedy.
Despite my high level of antisociality, I managed to take some time off last month and see We Were Promised Jetpacks in Toronto (more amazingly, I should mention, I managed to convince a dear friend to come along, achievement unlocked). Anyhow, this post won't talk about WWPJ but instead of a warm-up band from London. Actually, I'm not going to blabber on about their amazingness and niceness, but instead I shall post a couple of their music videos; Edward the Confessor and Interference.
Looks like an acceptable film. I can't help the fact that I like Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis (although K feels suspicious about the latter one)! Apparently "The Campaign" will come out in August, maybe it's something to look for.