Yeah, glad I paid that crazy money. This film was pretty good. The whole spreading-disease subject has been used and over-used but this film kept it interesting and I guess films like this always get to me. Eventually I end up thinking what's the point of it all? As in, of course we have to have goals in life etc. BUT we shouldn't invest our well-being and absolutely everything, we shouldn't drown in it because one never knows what can happen. So, do what you love to do because our time might be shorter than we think.
As what comes to the film, surprisingly I liked the ending, which wasn't the best one but there was something amusing about it. I would say that give Contagion a watch in case you're into the whole epidemic-stuff and chaos. Haha.
I'm glad I'm not in my Intro To Film class because otherwise the whole 'I'm feeling like this about this film' - stuff would never work. But I don't have any evidence to back up my sayings right now. Also, I lost my popcorn.
pictures via IMDB