

I just love my Introduction To Film course. The amount of introduced films is gorgeous but the best part is that all the films are good ones. Studying film-watching (not a legit term) feels like a dream, probably always will. Hahaha. Alright, that almost sounds wrong but what I mean is that it is amazing.
So, without further blabbering, I want to mention this one film here.
Calendar (1993) is directed by Armenian-Canadian Atom (epic name much?) Egoyan. This film is absolutely beautiful. It does sort of mind-fuck one in the beginning but eventually it all makes sense. The scenery is beautiful, the shooting is beautiful, acting is good and yeah, simply put it is worth a watch.
This is not the trailer for the film because I honestly did not find a trailer for this during the five-minute-search I had. So, you'll get a short clip from a scene (which doesn't give any idea about the film, really). But try to deal with it.
Also, a definite plus (like it always is) is the soundtrack, which isn't huge but pretty suitable for the film.


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