
GOOD NEWS, Toronto is weird.

No, more like "Good News, they dropped the charges". So many questions though. Who are they? Why is this good? What charges? You know? I don't know how much I like to get confused by stuff like this while walking to class.
The only thing I can say about this monopoly-related picture is that they use monopoly money in Canada. I hope you didn't believe that. No, the only REAL thing I can say is that this 'picture' just appeared on the concrete one day, so I don't have any background information for it. It just happened to be random so I smiled and took a picture.

There is actually a point to this post. In the middle of all the posts I thought I would try to desperately explain the point of this blog and what and who is behind it.
The idea behind it is very simple, I used to write another blog but due to life-changing events I decided to start my own blog. That's pretty much it. Or was. Until my better half (who refers to himself as K) came up with an idea to do this together and that's the real reason that should make you, our dear, non-existing reader, happy. Why you ask? Well, simply because K has the best things to share and introduce you to. So yeah, he shall be the very core of this blog while I will try to build an illusion that the stuff I post is actually interesting.

We live in different parts of this beautiful planet; Canada and Belgium. We are both studying what we have always wanted to study (I think) so I guess we are lucky like that and yeah, school takes up a lot of time (or at least will, in theory) but the internet-addicts that we are... You can guess the rest. As I've mentioned in the side bar, if there's anything (and I mean, anything) you want or feel like sharing, do e-mail us to the e-mail address that consists of 10 letters, one @ sign and one dot.

I am done now with the blabbering and shall go and enjoy my unlimited meal-plan. K must feel free to add here whatever he wants or just over-line some words or simply erase this nonsense.
I wish you all the best and remember to make most out of your life. Peace.



I fail at photography but sometimes I fail beautifully

I want to stay modest, but saying I've been through fire for this girl isn't that much of an overstatement.
But just look at her... I'd do it again, and again and again and again and again and again and again.



I just love my Introduction To Film course. The amount of introduced films is gorgeous but the best part is that all the films are good ones. Studying film-watching (not a legit term) feels like a dream, probably always will. Hahaha. Alright, that almost sounds wrong but what I mean is that it is amazing.
So, without further blabbering, I want to mention this one film here.
Calendar (1993) is directed by Armenian-Canadian Atom (epic name much?) Egoyan. This film is absolutely beautiful. It does sort of mind-fuck one in the beginning but eventually it all makes sense. The scenery is beautiful, the shooting is beautiful, acting is good and yeah, simply put it is worth a watch.
This is not the trailer for the film because I honestly did not find a trailer for this during the five-minute-search I had. So, you'll get a short clip from a scene (which doesn't give any idea about the film, really). But try to deal with it.
Also, a definite plus (like it always is) is the soundtrack, which isn't huge but pretty suitable for the film.




I love you Google<3


And then, and then, and then...

This is kind of exactly how it went. My turn to go to sleep. Good night.




Literally: “farsickness”; “an ache for the distance” ; wanderlust



Summer of Eleven

This songs leads me right into the happiest memories I have... So far.



Alex Grey

Been spending my time watching Alex Grey artwork. He's an American artist who makes somewhat scary yet beautiful paintings and drawings, you might know him for the famous drawings he did for the albums of the band Tool, influenced by his studies in Anatomy and, as I kind of expected, recreational use of LSD. I could give more information but I can also stop pretending I know that much about him you couldn't find out via wikipedia and his own official website. I just like his work a lot, think it's beautiful in a way I can't really put my finger on. You can find out a lot about him and what he's doing on his official site: www.alexgrey.com



Someone's in a mellow mood, eh...

I will make up for this mellowness by posting something incredibly awesome soon, but let me enjoy this song on endless repeat tonight.



A person.

You're that person to me. The thing just is that there is no more pain. I love you.



Go Outside by Cults

Heard this in the supermarket, made me put down all my stuff to properly listen to the music playing through the cheap speakers, trying to stand perfectly under them... It might have seemed like I was braindead for a moment while I was trying to focus so I could understand the words and look them up after the song had ended.


Brian Eno - The Real

I want to post about all of Eno's songs but since this is a blog and somehow I get this feeling like I should post up-to-date stuff here, let me share my favorite song of his latest album, titled 'Drums Between the Bells'. I'm amazed by the effect he gave to the voice halfway through. Ever since I got to know his work he's been inspiring me more than anyone, not just professionally but also personally.
This makes me shiver.


Here's a link:

Before we start: