
Take Earth Back & Follow Capelli

Yesterday I went to TIFF Nexus's Packaged Goods event. The theme of the evening was Gaming the System and what they showed were a lot of cinematic game trailers and a Assassin's Creed: Embers Short Film.
I'm not really a gamer (thank god), because it means there is still hope of me maintaining a life. But the event turned out to be interesting, not because of the free tickets (thanks UofT) but it was actually cool to see how good the trailers looked. I close-mindedly and for some reason turned my concentration to the quality of the trailers. Some of them weren't really my taste because I like to see smooth and flowing landscapes and characters, some had actual actors in them (but the acting varied), but some of them were simply capturing. The two that stood out the most for me were Mass Effect 3 Take Earth Back (2012) and Resistance 3 Follow Capelli (2011). I'm sure you can see what I'm talking about if you take a look at the trailers. Take Earth Back is just stunning with the imagery and again how smoothly everything is carried out. Follow Capelli on the other hand was something I didn't except but the more I looked at it the more I loved it, especially the graphic novel element.
Anyhow, I'm starting to get off track and writing how they made me feel although a more interesting information would be the developers of the shorts. First one is developed by BioWare and the second one by Insomniac Games (epic name). Try to watch these in HD otherwise it's not going to be an equally powerful experience!


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