

Never thought I'd ever blog about school assignments. Anyway, our prof told us to mess around on Logic Pro (that's a type of audio software) and since I don't perfectly know my way around it yet I started making something a bit dubby. Will have to do a lot of work but it's fun playing around with the software and the new hardware I bought (keyboard, audio interface, bad-ass headphones). Try to find a good set of speakers and get lost like I did making this.
Oh yeah, when I make music I post it under the name KOverm or KOvermStatic. I will not explain that name, only that I added the Static one day when I forgot the log-in name for the KOverm accounts I made. That problem is solved though.
I used some samples from a couple of films and documentaries, like I often do, but as always they are totally uncleared so please don't sue me. I make a point of never making money out of my own music anyway, it's just for fun.
By the way, if you would want to do anything with this track feel free to do whatever you want with this as long as you let me know because in the end I like to know what happens with the tracks. Out of pure curiosity to be honest. Just ask and I'll send you a proper quality version.

Anyway, have a good one.

Rubadub by KOverm

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