

I ended up watching this beautiful film in my class. I didn't think I would ever be able to properly enjoy black and white films but little by little I'm starting to understand their beauty.
This particular film was good but, what especially caught my eye was Claudette Colbert's amazing beauty, good acting and gorgeous costumes. That sentence pretty much says all I wanted to say so maybe I don't need to continue with my blabberings...
But seriously, just take look at the costume design. It's incredibly elegant and the way Colbert carries all those dresses is amazing.
I realize the point of the whole film is a bit different but I was not able to pay as much attention to anything else but the costumes. If you find this kind of style elegant and beautiful then I am totally recommending this film because, yeah, it won't disappoint in that area.
I'm too tired to find the costume designer right now and I'm sorry for the picture quality but one can only do so much with youtube quality videos, right? RIGHT?
Do take a look at the film though because it is a story that has it's moments.
Directed by John M. Stahl


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