

AAA! This has only gotten MORE AWESOME as the time has gone by. EPIC WIN. 
Do yourself a favour and watch this in HD, full screen, on high volume!
Okay, so for me this short film has some major mind-blow-abilities. I don't even know where to start, although all YOU need to do is watch it!
Azureus Rising is a proof of concept for a science fiction action adventure feature film saga and next gen video game. It's pretty epic. Personally, this short reminded me of my dream. I like the main character with his round eyes that evoke sympathy (in a way) and I like how he gets out of every tough situation. This is a hard one to describe so just take a look.
One more thing I feel like mentioning: to me it looks like this short got its inspiration (at least partly) from some video games and the sword kind of reminded me of the light saber, etc. NEVERTHELESS, this looks very, very good. NSNV approves.
At the moment Azureus is in development to be a film. But what I'm ever more excited about is that it's in development to be a AAA video game! That's going to be something worth purchasing.

Directed, written and produced by David Weinstein
Soundtrack by Edwin Wendler


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