

Sleep is mainstream. I went into the underground. Without any need of making sense I opened an empty document and smashed my keyboard in such a way that clusters of letters - let's call them words -  would appear and with quite some interest I watched as the lines grew and grew. At first it took me some effort to make the words come through but then I saw they quoted words that I don't recall being said and some I did hear at some point and have been echoing in my head ever since. They told stories of life, death, the world, great cities, lonely wastelands, friends, lovers, and while trying to keep up with the constant stream of characters I read endless tales, one more beautiful than the other. After what  seemed hours I deciphered my own name, which first kind of surprised me but since this stream felt like it was going for completion, the tale of Everything Everywhere Anytime, I accepted that sooner or later I had to see that name appear. I read and laughed, I cried and continued reading, it didn't stop, I got tired, tied and tangled into those words but I couldn't stop until I had seen your name, written down there and it stood out compared to any other name or word down there, beautiful as it is. I managed to continue smashing the keys until I heard the screen echo the most beautiful voice I know, whispering, moaning "I want you" and I fell out of every dimension I thought I was in, and then with the sound of a heartbeat Everything Everywhere Anytime became one single dot right in front of me and I looked at the dot and the dot looked back.


Since time hadn't started at that point yet I have trouble describing for how long I stared but then the next heartbeat came and my fingers slowly but steadily started tapping a rhythm accompanied by the blood being pumped through the body. I had trouble deciding if I had really seen the universe being created again (does it really do that every heartbeat??) or if I had gone completely insane and lost all connection with reality but then I saw your name again and it made sense. It made sense. It made sense in that way things make perfect sense without you'd ever be able to put it into words. My fingers started slowing down but I didn't mind because I was able to take the beautiful chapters about you and me at a more comfortable pace and again I cried and I laughed, I smiled, I got overwhelmed at times by how beautiful it was, but the fingers kept slowing down. I tried to push it but then realized that the story wouldn't be finished if I didn't play it myself. I went back to bed and with the last energy I had for the day I told you 'Isa, I love you'.


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